Saturday, February 22, 2003


Mom and Dad were watching TV when Mom said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed."

She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches, rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning.

She then put some wet clothes into the dryer, put a load of clothes into the wash, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button. She picked up the newspapers strewn on the floor, picked up the game pieces left on the table and put the telephone book back into the drawer. She watered the plants,
emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to dry.

She yawned, stretched, and headed for the bedroom. She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the field trip, and pulled a textbook out from hiding under the chair. She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the grocery store. She put both near her purse.

Mom then creamed her face, put on moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth and trimmed her nails.

Hubby called, "I thought you were going to bed."
"I'm on my way," she said.
She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked. She looked in on each of the kids and turned out a
bedside lamp, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks in the hamper, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework.

In her own room, she set the alarm, laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her list of things to do for tomorrow.

About that time, the hubby turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular "I'm going to bed,"

. . .and he did.

Friday, February 21, 2003

You Are Special

A CJ well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $100 bill in the room of 200, he asked,
"Who would like this $100 bill?"
Hands started going up.

He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first let me do this."
He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.

"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?"
And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.
"Now who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value.
It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled,and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.
But, no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

You are special - Don't ever forget it!

Alkisah ada seorang anak yang sangat pandai melukis, pada suatu hari di negaranya diadakan pertandingan melukis, anak ini ikut dalam pertandingan tersebut karena hadiahnya sangat besar, yaitu diangkat menjadi pejabat tinggi pemerintah.

Pada pertandingan itu, semua peserta ditugaskan melukis seekor ular, dengan kriteria penilaian lukisan harus semirip mungkin dengan ular dan secepat mungkin menyelesaikan lukisan.

Maka pada hari pertandingan, si anak itu sudah hadir di lapangan pertandingan, siap dengan semua alat lukis nya. Ketika aba aba diberikan, semua peserta serentak mulai melukis. Tak lama kemudian si anak itu selesai melukis seekor ular yang sangat mirip, begitu hidup lukisannya.

Si anak kemudian mendongakan kepalanya, dilihatnya semua peserta lain belum menyelesaikan tugas mereka, maka si anak kemudian menambahkan empat buah kaki di ular lukisannya, sehingga ularnya semakin garang, ditambahkannya tanduk di atas kepala ular, diberinya lidah api menyembur keluar dari mulut ular tersebut. Ketika si anak menyerahkan lukisannya itu ke panitia penilai, semua peserta lain belum menyelesaikan tugas mereka.

Sore hari itu juga pemenang pertandingan diumumkan, pemenangnya adalah anak dari desa lain yang melukis seekor ular kurus yang pucat dan terlihat lemas, sedangkan lukisan anak yang sangat pandai itu dinyatakan diskualifikasi walaupun dia adalah orang yang pertama menyelesaikan tugas.

Panitia memutuskan lukisannya bukan ular, tetapi seekor naga.

Dalam kehidupan kita, sering sekali kita juga terjebak dalam kegiatan seperti anak itu, kita menambahkan hal hal yang kurang perlu dalam aktifitas dan pekerjaan kita sehingga kita tidak dapat meraih predikat juara.
Kadang kita melontarkan kalimat yang menyakitkan orang lain, kadang kita mudah tersinggung, kadang kita terlalu bertele tele ketika memberikan pendelegasian, kadang kita dikurung dalam berbagai praduga, curiga dan kurang percaya, kadang emosi kita terbawa dalam pekerjaan, dan semua itu menyebabkan karya kita bukan lagi lukisan seekor ular, melainkan seekor naga yang menyemburkan api dalam mulutnya.
Love Quote

You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
~ by Anonymous ~

True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
Nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
~ by Anonymous ~

Love is like a rumor,
Everyone talks about it,
But no one truly knows.
~ by Anonymous ~

Love is a haunting melody
That I have never mastered
And I fear I never will.
~ by William S. Burroughs ~

True love doesn't have a happy ending:
True love doesn't have an ending.
~ by Anonymous ~

To get the full value of joy
You must have someone to divide it with.
~ by Mark Twain ~

Love is that condition in which
The happiness of another person
Is essential to your own.
~ by Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land ~

You can give without loving,
But you cannot love without giving.
~ by Amy Carmichael ~

Love doesn't make the world go round,
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
~ by Elizabeth Browning ~

The greatest weakness of most humans
Is their hesitancy to tell others,
How much they love them
While they're alive.
~ by O.A. Battista ~

May no gift be too small to give,
nor too simple to receive,
which is wrapped in thoughtfulness
and tied with love.
~ by L.O. Baird ~

The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.
~ by Maulana Jalalu'ddin Rumi ~

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
While loving someone deeply gives you courage.
~ by Lao Tzu ~

Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low.
~ by Henry Ward Beecher ~

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
~ by Ivan Panin ~

Love knows no reasons,
love knows no lies.
Love defies all reasons,
love has no eyes.
But love is not blind,
love sees but doesn't mind.
~ by Author unknown ~

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same.
~ by Flavia Weedn ~

"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they are meant to be there; they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are."